Children’s Ministry
It is an exciting time to be a kid at University! We believe in teaching children about God's Word in fun, meaningful, and memorable ways. We love seeing the children laugh & smile. So teaching them about God and helping them have fun are some of our biggest goals.
Below you will find a description of our children’s ministry programs!
Kingdom Kids
Welcome to Kingdom Kids! Our goal in this ministry is to teach children the truths of the Bible in such a way that they will learn. This way, we hope and pray they will embed the truth in their hearts! We know that everyone learns in different ways and that includes learning the Bible too! Children will visit one of four classes every Sunday and Wednesday. The four classes are: Story, Craft, Media, and Game. These rooms will focus on exploring the story we are learning about in that specific way! Each month we want to challenge the children (and their families too!) to memorize a Bible verse. They have a special magnet to put on the refrigerator to hold the verse we are working on!
Jesus & Me
Welcome to Jesus and Me! The Jesus and Me Ministry is designed to help little ones with special needs or disabilities learn about God by focusing on learning strategies that aid in overcoming some of the unique challenges that special needs children sometimes experience in a classroom retting. This program also gives parents of children with special needs an opportunity to worship while their children are engaging in Bible-based learning activities with volunteers that have a strong desire for all children to learn more about God.