Where are you located?

5651 Zeigler Blvd Mobile, AL 36608

What time is service?

Currently, we offer Sunday morning Bible Classes at 9:30 for all ages and worship service, both in-person and online, at 10:30am. We also have a worship service on Sunday evenings at 5:00pm. On Wednesdays, we have mid-week Bible classes for all ages at 7:00pm, followed by a short devotional for spiritual encouragement. Our 9:30 auditorium Bible Class, both worship services on Sunday, and our Wednesday class & devotional are streamed on our Youtube channel.

What is service like?

Our singing is a capella, meaning without instruments. We will have prayers, scripture reading, and a message from God’s Word. Each Sunday we partake in the Lord’s Supper, remembering the sacrifice God made for our sins on the cross.

What do I wear?

You will find that most of our members dress business casual. We will have some in a suit and tie, others in khakis and a polo, and some in more casual attire.

What about my kids?

We have Bible classes for all ages and a nursery for the small children.