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ReCharge 2025!

ReCharge 2025 is here!! This year, we're talking about #FAILup moments. Looking at 4 people from the Bible who really failed God, but were still used by God to do great things! With powerful teaching from Jeremy Sigle, Blaine Chason, Andrew Howell, and Justin Barnes!

What is ReCharge Weekend?

ReCharge is a weekend retreat for 6th-12th grade students. This year we are only having a one day ReCharge. Students will participate in large group worship, small group (Cocoons) discussions, and afternoon recreation.

DATES: March 20, 2021

Cost includes event registration, appropriate materials (ReCharge booklets, etc.), all meals, and a t-shirt.

Where is ReCharge?

This year, because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, our ReCharge Weekend will be held at the Student Center.

What is the Schedule?

Coming soon….

Who can go to ReCharge?

All students currently in grades 6-12 are eligible to attend ReCharge. Parents are welcome as chaperones!

What Should I bring to reCharge?

You can click here fore a ReCharge packing list!

I still have more questions?

You can email Shayne Riddle with any further questions you may have.